Ark of Fools: Myths and rumors


There was Armaz, a god of all that was good and holy. And there was his dark twin Daka. Thousands of years ago, the two battled for the soul of creation. Armaz was the patron of paladins, ruling fire, air, law, and good. Daka ruled earth, water, chaos, and evil. Entire planes would be devasted in their wars. This much is known. The rest is speculation, myth, contradictory theories.

Even though they are dead, Armaz and Daka still have a few worshippers and clerics. Armaz and Daka are too dead to intervene, but still...

Traditional granted domains (but people don't agree which are authentic):

Armaz: good healing fire air law strength protection

Daka: evil death destruction chaos water earth war


People are constantly finding or making up prophecies about the fate of the Ark.

Copyright © December 2001, Celeste Chang --- Revised --- December 2, 2001
