Ark of Fools: Calendar

On the Skin

The Astral Plane is timeless, with no day or night, no seasons. Face uses an arbitrary 360 'day' year, divided into 12 months of 30 days each. 6 days form a week. Neither days nor months are named, only numbered. This is currently the 1998 Year of Exile (as counted by the Ancient). Time is not always consistent between the Skin and the Interior. A day may pass in Face, but 3 days in Akadazia, or the other way around.

A year on the Skin is referred to as an "astral year".

A year in Akadazia is referred to as a "local year".

Holidays, festivals, etc. in Face:

In Akadazia (the Interior)

The three moons (silver-gray/Daka, green/Luna, and red/Armaz) move in and out of phase erratically, sometimes staying full for a month, sometimes speeding through a cycle in a week. The golden sun is steadier, providing a predictable march of seasons. Local diviners study the moon cycles, trying to read meaning into them. The brightness of the moons varies depending on the influences of good and evil throughout Akadazia. Luna is always full. The other two moons do go through unpredictable phases.

Copyright © December 2001, Celeste Chang --- Revised --- January 26, 2003
