============================================================================= Partial log (edited by the Doctor) Note: I thought I was logging, but turned out to be logging the wrong window, so I'm reconstructing the bits I cat and pasted. Lugh, Elan, and Faiza head into town. They are ambushed by a loose assassin vine along the way, but manage to destroy it (especially with the help of Elan's dire wolf) [...] And another hour or two of riding brings you into Haldresburg. The ogre guards recognize the Arkites and pass them through. It's rather quiet, this being the middle of winter, but some shops are open, the crafters and so on working as usual. Following the road down towards the river, the camp of Sligh, the animal trainer, comes into view. Actually, it seems mostly disassembled right now, with two wagons packed up. Four horses graze in the meadow, while what look like cheetahs sit on the wagons: guarding the loads? One tent is still up at the moment. [Elan introduces Lugh and Faiza to Sligh. Elan goes off to see the baby owlbears, while Lugh and Faiza talk to Sligh.] Lugh takes off his hat, settling it beside him. His neck is a little bruised still from being strangled. "Well, I do. I"m sure it might be a touchy subject, so if it is I mean you no offense. I've heard though that you might know something about the ancient civilization that fell in the Gnome City of mud. At least, one of your family would. I don't know how familiar you are with our Ark, but I've been told the way to save us from it might involve 'nexus points' which can be accessed through the mirror. It may very well be a trap, but I was hoping you might enlighten us." Faiza nods. "We heard that you were Yrktheran..." Sligh, at that, frowns slightly. He looks from one to the other from under furrowed eyebrows. "Yrktheran I am and Yrktheran I may be, but wisdom says let ancient dangers die. If the gnomes build over our graves, all the better. Our doom should not destroy a land forever." Lugh says "The story I heard tell, from a goodly mind and heart, did say it was a sorrowful and dangerous tale. He also said your people had to live nomadic, or is that simply a preference now?" Sligh shakes his head slowly. "Our doom follows us and finds us through mirrors. So we do not stay in any one place for long." He laughs. "It could have been worse. A race ancienter than ours found their hell in corners - any place where walls met. Imagine that! The Hounds hunted them down, every one. Yrktherans, though, we still endure." Lugh says "What is meant by mirrors though?" Sligh holds up a hand. "Light is stopped by my hand and loses its soul. But a mirror will receive the light's soul. So if you can see your own face in a mirror, it can see you. But there's a trick to it, of course." Lugh says "That's strange. I'm not sure I understand what you mean." Sligh smiles a bitter-edged smile. "Perhaps it is better that you don't. Mirrors are best left in their natural state." Lugh frowns a touch, "What can you tell me about time streams then. I've been told that our Ark has a way of slicing through space and time. It feeds on those that draw us into it.. those that die. It grows stronger and stronger. None of us asked for this curse. We're hoping we can sidestep the problem by crossing what is known as a 'Node'. If it is possible." Sligh shakes his head. He says slowly, "Old stories...grandfather legends, grandmother tales...they said the Mirror folk did not perceive time the same way people do in this our world. But what that difference is, I don't know. The stories didn't say." Lugh hmmms, "Let me say, that our aim is not to rush headlong into this. We want to understand what we can to see if there is a potential safe crossroads we can pass through." Faiza nods. She taps a finger against the side of her crate. "Are there crossroads in the mirror plane?" Sligh says, "Possibly. Safe? I would not call it safe, no. But no Yrktheran has ventured across that border for centuries. We keep no mirrors, and throw pebbles into still water." Sligh sighs. "We do not know for a certainty. It might just be superstition that no one dares test. But...as the stories say, time is not the same on the other side of the mirror. And the mirror folk hold their grudges dear." Lugh frowns and asks, "What did your ancestors do to them?" Sligh shakes his head. "Promises were made, promises that meant different things to different ears. So, an Yrktheran's advice: if you ever cross the threshold of the mirror, guard your name and your face, and strike no bargains, and accept no gifts without knowing the price. They are not devils, to twist your words, but rather...reflections, that show you something you cannot see straight on. And that can be dangerous." Lugh muses this and asks, "You suggest we wear masks? Or do you mean something a bit more metaphorical? t is my hope we do not have to deal with these frightful things at all, and simply make our way in safety through the highway of ... blessing, I suppose you could say." Sligh blinks. "The 'highway of blessing'? What do you mean by that?" Lugh replies, "We are all accursed, not by our own doing as I have said. Its simply by merit of being sucked into the Ark. It could happen to anyone, even you. Whatever the probabilities may be, or even if it is intentional to gain samples. I don't know. Whatever the case may be, I have learned that one means of saving us from the curse involves the silver highway to a 'node' in time. It is this understanding of Time travel that I'm trying to understand." Sligh nods slowly. "I have only traveled in time one way: step by step, one moment at a time in sequence. Mirrors are said to trap time. Perhaps that is what your source referred to? But they who dwell in the Mirror Planes are more knowledgeable about Time." He pauses, then adds, "And yes, I do mean masks, literally. And if you have spells to conceal your mind, use them." Lugh hmmms, "They can be acquired, assembled, prepared. The matter of time needs greater consideration though. I admit I'm a bit squeamish about this, after hearing what I have heard so far, but do you know where we might find sources of lore with regard to Time?" Sligh shakes his head. "Not from inside it. Things like demons and devils may try to deceive you into swallowing lore from their hands, but it's best not to believe them. Only the Outer Darkness and the Mirror Realms lie outside time. Or perhaps the far reaches of the Astral or Shadow planes..." Lugh mmms, "I wouldn't consort with them either. Its not my way." he considers, "Astral, Shadow, Outer Darkness and Mirror Realms. - from my sense, that is the order of fearfulness I have of them too." Sligh winds the snake around his arm again. "Maybe. It's not for me, planar travel. I have my friends here, with me, that's where my home is." Lugh considers, then says, "If I find a way to help your Clans out of their curse in my careful pursuit. I will weigh it in the balance and try to meet with you again. You may perhaps enjoy your travels, but I hate to see any people in fear over the ancient mistakes of their forebears." Sligh shrugs. "We are used to it. It is a gift of freedom, if you look at it the right way." Lugh nods his head with that, "You certainly lead an interesting tale. I will agree. Still." he considers, "Without meaning to insult, may I ask about your marks? What they mean?" Sligh turns his eyes on Lugh. "Yrktherans all have an odd ancestor or two in the family line. It means nothing, now." Lugh nods his head and tells Sligh, "My numina-arcanum is innate as well, if that is your nature. I am more than elf, as it were, as well. Feyfolken." he pauses his thought. It seems only fair since he has prodded into this man's life. Sligh's lips curve in a small smile. "Ah. I see. Then we may be remotest kin, for it was indeed a fey alliance in the founding of my family." Lugh smiles and says, "Perhaps, though ... I am from a very different world than this one. There may be ties between the worlds though - I do not know." he pauses, "I hope we can meet one another again. Before you depart do you have any advice for us?" Sligh says, "Work with what you have. Things do what they want to do. But if you must meddle with dangerous planar forces...be sure you have enough strength to stand up to whatever may find you." Lugh nods once again, "I agree. You can rest assured we will make no attempts... However. I need one more question. As I think of it. How does one enter or peer through the mirrorlands? I promise you, this is something I won't even consider till I know much more." Sligh studies Lugh carefully. "Are you sure you want to know?" Lugh nods his head. "If a means can be found, without waking giants, then we may consider it. I don't know when we'll get the chance to learn this again. Or even if our Ark will move us on. I need to take the opportunity at knowledge before it is lost." You paged Lugh with 'He tells you: You need three good mirrors. If you wish to enter the mirror realms, they must be large enough for you to step through. On the backs of the mirrors, you must write a certain symbol. In between the mirrors, you must levitate a light source. It must be perfectly balanced between the three mirrors, and the three mirrors must also face each other perfectly...'. Sligh shows Lugh the symbol in the dirt (some arcane glyph) [...?...] Lugh nods again at this. "I'm afraid." he says. "But I very much appreciate your help." he then muses, "Do you think if we tossed our Ark into the node, wtih all the people aboard, and sent it into a time node... Would it therefore safely remove us from the curse, and also avoid our interaction with the denizens of the realm?" a novel idea, of course it would land them on the strange planet. Sligh shakes his head. "I don't know." Lugh says "These are the sort of theories I need to work out. It will take me many years just to get a reasonable model. The Co-existence model is one that I've been tossing around." Sligh smiles ironically. "To each his own. For myself, I am not a theorist. I only know the old stories." Lugh says "If I help you load your things, could you share some of the old stories with me?" Sligh chuckles. "All right." He stretches. "Just a few more crates here, then we strike the tent when the lads get back." Lugh moves to help Sligh with the preparations... Lugh needs to go soon anyway this is a good time to pause Lugh says, "gotta drive home." Elan nods, thinks so. =============================================================================